Stakeholder engagement

Kaspersky’s stakeholders include employees, users, partners, suppliers, government authorities, law enforcement agencies, local communities and groups that are vulnerable to information security issues (pensioners, children and their parents, as well as victims of cyberstalking). We are committed to interacting with them in a harmonious manner and fostering interactions based on the principles of mutual respect, transparency and responsibility.

GRI 2‑29
Stakeholder group Group’s interests Channels and methods of engagement Results of engagement in the reporting period
  • Stable employment and career growth
  • Decent wages and social security
  • Comfortable and safe working conditions
  • Training and development
  • No discrimination
  • Internal corporate communications system
  • Meetings with Company managers
  • Joint conferences and educational and sporting events
  • Corporate website
Find out more about how the Company takes care of its employees in the “People Empowerment” section.
  • Personal data protection
  • High quality products
  • High level of service
  • Reasonable prices for products
  • Feedback system and services
  • Press releases and advertising and promotional materials
Find out more about how the Company ensures privacy and protects users against cyberthreats worldwide in the “Safer Cyber World” and “Ethics and Transparency” sections.
Partners and suppliers
  • Transparency and openness of competitive procedures
  • Product quality control
  • Compliance with business ethics
  • Anti‑corruption
  • Timely and proper fulfillment of contractual obligations
  • Conducting open competitive procurement procedures
  • Prompt handling of claims
  • Business meetings, conferences and exhibitions
  • Disclosure
Find out more about the Company’s transparent policies and approach to procurement in the “Ethics and Transparency” section and the “Sustainable Supply Chain” subsection.
Government authorities and law enforcement agencies
  • Compliance with legal requirements and standards
  • Timely payment of all applicable taxes and fees
  • Investment in the development of regions of operation
  • Assistance in providing employment and supporting entrepreneurship
  • Ensuring the security of critical infrastructure facilities
  • Assistance in combating cybercrime
  • Consultations with law enforcement officials
  • Software development and licensing
  • Consultations on legislative issues
Find out more about the Company’s interaction with the government authorities and law enforcement agencies in the “Combating Cybercrime” subsection.
Local communities
  • Creating jobs for local residents and developing human capital
  • Contributing to the development of social infrastructure
  • Development of local production and suppliers
  • Charitable projects and social investments
  • Minimizing the negative environmental impact in the regions of presence
  • Information openness and the transparency of activities
  • Hiring staff from local communities
  • Internships for students
  • Development and advanced training programs for staff
  • Training programs for a wide range of users
  • Procurements from local suppliers
Find out more about the Company’s relevant policies and educational projects for employees and students in the “People Empowerment” subsection.
Groups vulnerable to information security issues
  • Ensuring Internet security
  • Conducting training events to improve digital literacy
Find out more about the Company’s approach and educational projects for vulnerable groups (senior citizens, kids, people with disabilities) in the “People Empowerment” and “Safer Cyber World” subsections.
Non‑profit organizations
  • Assistance in organizing and implementing environmental and social programs
  • Development, support and implementation of joint environmental and social projects
Find out more about the Company’s approach and various projects with NPOs in the “People Empowerment” subsection.