Social policy

Социальная политика
GRI 401‑2

Kaspersky supports its employees throughout their entire career with us. We motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle, provide access to professional medical care and offer financial support in difficult life situations.

Caring for people

We encourage our employees’ commitment to a healthy lifestyle, offer them a comprehensive benefits package and medical care as part of our insurance program and provide financial assistance to those dealing with unforeseen difficulties. Elements of the benefits package differ from region to region of Kaspersky’s presence.

The Company believes it is crucial to know employees’ opinions on various aspects of their work and have regular feedback sessions with them. We hold AMA sessionsAsk Me Anything — an online event at which the Company’s management answers questions from employees. and kick‑off meetings with our management team several times a year to discuss results, plans and strategy.

The annual Kaspersky Awards ceremony equally recognizes the achievements of all departments for the year and rewards the most productive employees who made a major contribution to the Company’s success over the past year.

Support for parenthood

GRI 401‑3

We support all of our employees who have children: parents, adoptive parents and guardians alike. They are granted parental leave, and Kaspersky provides an additional corporate payment in the amount of their full salary on top of the government’s maternity benefit for the entire maternity leave in Russia (usually 140 calendar days)For employees who have worked at the Company for at least a year..

The corporate voluntary health insurance program in Russia covers pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the following financial assistance after the birth of a child: US$1,600 for the first child and US$2,160 for the second and all subsequent children.

Kaspersky offers support programs for parents in every region where we operate, but specifics may vary depending on the laws of a given country.