Material topics of the Report

GRI 3‑1, 3‑2

For the content of our Report to best meet our stakeholders’ interests and expectations, we conducted a stakeholder survey in the form of an online questionnaire to determine the material topics of the Report.

We determined the initial list of topics for stakeholders to evaluate based on the list of sustainability priorities that were identified when determining materiality for the previous reporting period. It included 17 topics that reflect the Company’s impact on the economy, environment and society.

Participants of the survey were asked to rate the importance of each of the proposed topics on a scale of one to five, with a rating of one assigned to the least important topics and a rating of five assigned to extremely important topics. The questionnaire also offered stakeholders an opportunity to leave their own comments on the proposed topics and suggest new ones. For the convenience of the participants, the questionnaire was prepared in Russian and English.

The survey was completed by 35 representatives of stakeholders, including 14 internal and 21 external stakeholders. The results were adjusted using weighting coefficients to give equal weight to the opinions of each stakeholder group. A final list of topics was then generated in descending order of importance based on the average ratings given by stakeholders.

A total of 15 topics with an overall score of 3.4 points or more were considered material for inclusion in the Report. This made it possible to equally consider the opinions of both the internal and external stakeholders who took part in the survey.

List of Kaspersky’s material topics in the Sustainable Development Report for the second half of 2022 and for 2023
Topic Materiality score Section
Protecting users and user data 4.6 Data protection
A safer digital environment 4.5 Digital Security
Ensuring software and digital resilience in a rapidly changing world 4.2 Digital Security
Educational activities in the cybersecurity field 4.2 Digital Security
Fighting international cybercrime 4.1 Combating cybercrime
Contributing to technological developments 4.1 Protection of industrial enterprises and critical infrastructure
Training professionals for the industry 4 Training and development
Responsibility toward employees 4 Corporate culture and business ethics
Inclusive digital environment 3.9 Engagement with local communities
Business ethics 3.9 Corporate culture and business ethics, Corporate governance
Transparency of business and corporate management 3.7 Corporate governance
Social projects, charity and volunteering 3.6 Engagement with local communities
Women in STEM 3.6 Women in IT: Power of Equality
Information and technological openness 3.4 Global Transparency Initiative
Reducing the climate and ecological footprint 3.4 Reducing our carbon footprint
Materiality assessment by internal and external stakeholders
Topic number Topic
1 Protecting users and user data
2 Safe digital environment
3 Ensuring software and digital sustainability in a changing world
4 Information security education
5 Combating international cybercrime
6 Contribution to technology development
7 Training professionals for the industry
8 Responsibility to employees
9 Inclusive digital environment
10 Business ethics
11 Transparency of business and corporate governance
12 Social projects, charity and volunteering
13 Women in STEM
14 Information and technological openness
15 Reducing the climate and ecological footprint
16 Sustainable supply chain
17 Taxation