Respect for human rights

GRI 2-22
GRI 406-1

Kaspersky does not tolerate any form of child, slave or forced labor and expects similar decisions from its contractors. This is outlined in Kaspersky’s internal main principles and policies statement.

discrimination cases at the Company in the reporting period
Respect for human rights in the Company’s activities
Fundamental human rights Guiding documents for the Company Company’s approaches to respect for human rights Stakeholders receiving special attention from the Company Results of the reporting period
Right to life, liberty and privacy
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence. Amongst others:
    • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    • International information security standard ISO/IEC 27001
    • Federal Law No. 152‑FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”
    • China Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL)
    • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
    • Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil)
    • Vietnam's Personal Data Protection Decree (PDPD)
One of the Company’s priorities is to ensure that the data of our users around the world is protected through internal security systems and procedures. We do not use data for purposes other than those for which it was collected.
  • Users
  • Employees
  • Groups vulnerable to information security issues
  • NPOsNon-profit organizations.

Zero serious violations of personal data legislation.

Zero significant data breaches.

Right to work
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence as well as internal labor regulations and guidelines for compensation and workplace safety
  • Kaspersky Charity Policy
  • Sustainability Committee Regulation

Kaspersky’s employees are our most valuable asset. We are committed to making it comfortable and interesting for people to work at the Company, so that they can work productively, feel protected, and be able to develop themselves as well as the Company.

Kaspersky supports the activities of non‑profit organizations that help people with disabilities with employment and socialization, as well as provide them with legal support.

  • Employees
  • Groups vulnerable to information security issues
  • NPOs

5,152 people – total staff at the end of 2023 (+4.4% vs. the end of 2022).

15% staff turnover in 2023 (‑8 p.p. vs. turnover in 2022).

During the reporting period, the Company supported five NPOs that aim to employ people with disabilities.

Kaspersky took part in four events on inclusive employment (business breakfasts, job fairs and a mentoring program).

We also published an information project about the professional and personal path of employees with disabilities and those raising children with disabilities:

Right to a healthy environment
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence
  • Kaspersky Charity Policy
  • Sustainability Committee Regulation
Environmentally responsible behavior is one of Kaspersky’s most important values. We mitigate our adverse environmental impact through the economical consumption of resources, well‑organized business processes and a responsible attitude to energy sources for data centers and offices.
  • Employees
  • Local communities
  • Users
  • NPOs

285 contractors were connected to the electronic document management system from 2022 to 2023 and signed 7,126 documents.

1,407.9 kg of clothes and accessories were provided by the Company’s employees for charity, recycling and disposal.

370 kg of electrical equipment were collected by employees for recycling during Ecoweek.

Right to education
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence
  • Kaspersky Charity Policy
  • Sustainability Committee Regulation

We encourage employees to acquire new knowledge and are constantly improving internal educational programs and adding new ones.

We organize joint educational projects with non‑profit organizations that help people with disabilities, pensioners, victims of domestic violence and other people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Kaspersky creates its own training programs that aim to collaborate with educational institutions and audiences that need additional education. We invest resources in the development of both schoolchildren and university students, as well as experienced cybersecurity specialists who need advanced training.

  • Employees
  • Users
  • Groups vulnerable to information security issues
  • NPOs

Kaspersky Academy has 200+ partner universities in 42 countries.

During the reporting period, the Company received 13,549 applications to take part in the SafeBoard internship program.

134 students completed internships at Kaspersky during the reporting period.

>6,000 students from all over the world have taken part in the Secur’IT Cup competition since 2018.

The winners of the Secur’IT Cup receive grants worth US$10,000.

2,000+ users from more than 50 countries make up the expert training audience.

Right to health and medical care
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence
  • Kaspersky’s regulation on compensation and incentive payments in countries of its presence
Caring for the health and well‑being of employees is a key part of Kaspersky’s social policy. The benefits package for Kaspersky’s employees varies from region to region.
  • Employees

Zero injuries among employees in 2022 and 2023.

Zero occupational diseases were identified among the Company’s employees in 2023.

A webinar and Q&A session with an oncologist was held for Kaspersky HQ employees in 2023 to cover common myths and misconceptions about cancer and the need for timely check‑ups and testing.

Right to protection against discrimination
  • Relevant regulations of countries of Kaspersky’s presence
  • Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
We do not tolerate or encourage any kind of discrimination in the Company’s activities.
  • Employees
  • Users
  • Partners
Zero cases of discrimination at the Company during the reporting period.