“Every day we take a step toward a safer and more sustainable digital world”

Dear Friends!

This is the second annual Kaspersky Sustainability Report prepared in accordance with the international GRI and SASB standards. It tells you all about what we have done to implement our ESG strategy for the second half of 2022 and the full year of 2023. While every day we face increasingly diverse cyberthreats, we remain convinced that it is only with Cyber Immunity in response that we can maximize security. Today, we will tell you how embedding sustainability into our business processes helps us in this challenging task.

For almost 27 years, Kaspersky has been making a significant contribution to the development of information-security technologies. Continuing to develop dynamically, we have successfully adapted to external changes, improved our technologies and products, and expanded our presence in the global market. Today our solutions are used on all continents and we protect users in more than 200 countries and territories across the world. We offer our customers a wide range of solutions — 36 products for home and business. We have regional offices in more than 30 countries on five continents. Our team employs more than 5 thousand highly-qualified specialists, while the number of our corporate customers has reached 220,000. Our solutions protect large industrial plants and critical infrastructure, as well as businesses of all sizes.

We are committed to our mission — creating a safe and sustainable world step by step where people are free to take advantage of the power of digital technologies to improve their lives. During the reporting period, Kaspersky actively developed all five key ESG areas: cyber-resilience, innovation and future technologies, environmental protection, care for employees and the people around them, and ethics and transparency.

In the area of cyber-resilience, we continued to develop advanced technological solutions that can effectively defend against the latest cyberthreats, implemented educational programs, conducted seminars and trainings, and assisted law enforcement organizations in countering malicious actors. Our team provided customers with robust tools for protection against cybercrime. In 2023, our solutions helped our customers repel more than 430 million attacks. Since inception Kaspersky has protected over a billion devices.

To protect critical infrastructure, Kaspersky has developed a unique ecosystem of modern IT technologies (KOTCS), which permits protecting all levels of an enterprise from a single console. We have accumulated years of expertise in combating cyberattacks on industrial facilities, and successfully continued to develop our Industrial CyberSecurity (KICS) solution, with sales growing 54% year-on-year in 2023.

Kaspersky has invested a great deal of time and effort into innovation. Together with our partners, we have created a hardware-and-software platform for neuromorphic machine learning, introduced our own cloud-based cybersecurity platform for connected vehicles, and developed a comprehensive plan for the cyberdefense of nuclear power plants during their early stages of design and construction.

In addition to technological advancement, we also aim to create sustainable and responsible business practices. In 2023, Kaspersky celebrated five years of its Global Transparency Initiative (GTI), which, as the name suggests, ensures the trasparency of the Сompany’s products and business processes. During the reporting period we increased the number of our Transparency Centers around the world to 11 with the opening of two more centers for the first time in the Middle East and Africa.

At Kaspersky, we not only achieve business success by developing the best technologies, but also contribute to environmental protection and the well-being of society as a whole. In this report, we describe our work on reducing our environmental footprint, what we do for the development and prosperity of our employees, and our social and charitable programs.

New challenges always bring new opportunities. In 2024, we will continue to move forward and achieve all our plans. On behalf of the Company, I would like to thank all our employees, partners and customers for their trust, support and commitment to our values. Together we can do more and create a truly secure — Cyber Immune — future for all.