Corporate culture and business ethics
Kaspersky is committed to following the best corporate practices, ensuring high‑quality management and that we adher to the ethical principles of business.
Key documents
- Local Labor Regulations
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Equal opportunities
Kaspersky does not tolerate discrimination in any form. This is one of the Company’s key principles, which is consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), including UN SDG targets 4.5, 5.1 and 8.5.
We strictly comply with the law and do not restrict the hiring of people based on age, gender or other criteria. We also guarantee employment rights for individuals with disabilities at the Company. Kaspersky promotes the respectful relationships within teams and works to overcome industry stereotypes associated with working in IT.
Our contribution to breaking stereotypes about the IT industry
There are many assumptions about the IT industry that can scare off candidates with high potential, as well as prevent companies from recognizing the most valuable future employees. We have decided to debunk common myths based on the example of our employees who did not let stereotypes prevent them from building a career in IT.
Rapidly climb the corporate ladder and become a department head at 23? One can only dream...
You can’t raise three children and have a successful career...
How can you be a valued non‑technical specialist in a programming team? That is unimaginable...
There is no place for an extrovert in IT...
Can innovative and breakthrough products and solutions be created in Russia?..
We conducted a special research within our team and professional community and collected the top 20 stereotypes about the Russian IT industry. Then we invited our employees to refute them with their own examples to help us create the People in Tech project. Launched in late 2022 and involving 20 employees – from entry‑level positions to Vice Presidents, who debunked industry myths and shared their professional journeys.
To make the project truly inspiring, we introduced an interactive component, giving users the chance to share their opinions about a certain stereotype. The results obtained were encouraging – up to 90% of respondents do not believe in the most common stereotypes even though the opinions on certain issues were divided almost equally.
People in Tech helped to strengthen Kaspersky’s image as an open‑minded employer that can find an unconventional way to present its teams and products to candidates. The project also helped dissolve outdated ideas about the Russian IT industry and inspired people to change their attitude towards it.
Kaspersky provides equal pay to all of its specialists based on their position and qualifications, regardless of age or gender. The market salary level is assessed for each position. To achieve this goal, the Company has strengthened the HR Department’s team dedicated to compensation and benefits.
We are committed to attracting more women to the IT industry and collaborate with educational institutions around the world to achieve this goal, among others. Kaspersky holds educational events and master classes for young people in high schools and universities, and also organizes internships.
We have launched several online projects where women can share their knowledge and experience in IT, including the Women in CyberSecurity social media community, which has more than 30,000 members, and the Empower Women website, where the Company’s employees share their educational and career journeys, provide guidance, and contribute to podcasts.
Kaspersky provides support to applicants and employees with disabilities, as developing every person’s true potential and achieving their personal goals matters most to us.
When selecting candidates, we exclusively evaluate their professional skills, experience and expertise. Many of our job openings offer remote work options, which can be especially beneficial for employees with disabilities.
All employees with disabilities are provided with the benefits in accordance with local law.
Employee engagement
Each year, we evaluate employee satisfaction levels by conducting the confidential YourVoice survey. It enables Kaspersky to learn more about employees’ views on changes at the Company, adjust its strategy and assess the extent to which employees are influenced by various drivers, such as pay, the benefits package, work‑life balance, prospects for professional growth and the team atmosphere.
The key indicator we focus on is Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), which reflects the proportion of employees who are willing to recommend the Company as an employer.
The eNPS grew by 6.7 p.p. to 52.3 percent in 2022 and by 4.5 p.p. to a record 56.8 percent in 2023, which is higher than the average Russian marketAccording to Happy Inc, a Russian company in HR Tech and the market leader in solutions for engagement surveys.. In 2023, the Company also broke a record for the number of survey participants, with almost 90 percent of employees taking part.
The survey results are available for analysis by all Kaspersky managers, including senior executives, with different breakdowns (by team, department, division, region, age group, position level and more). This makes it possible to objectively assess the situation both at the Company as a whole and within individual divisions, as well as identify strengths and areas for further development.